HSE Academy

WHS Awareness Training Course

Face-to-Face online & In-Person on-site

The goal of this training is to empower your employees to create a safe and healthy work environment and gain an understanding of what WHS requirements are.

All training will be tailored to your specific requirements.

Please get in touch for further details.

HSE Academy

Bespoke Training Provider for the HSE Sector

HSE Academy is a recognised training provider offering custom training that is tailored to our clients industry, line of business, organisational set-up, legislative regulations, required compliance standards, and knowledge levels of their staff.



WHS Training for Managers, Supervisors and Workers

Occpupational Hygiene
Short Courses

Asbestos Register Awareness for Schools & University Staff

Plant Risk Assessment Training Course

General Knowledge Training Course for Workers

Dust & Silica Awareness Training

Want to know more about Risk Management Training?
Please have a look at our Complete Guide to Risk Assessment & Hazard Management Training

HSE Academy

Certificate of Completion

All participants of an HSE Academy training course will receive a Certificate of Completion on successful completion of the course.

HSE Academy
Training in Health, Safety and Environment

HSE Academy is a recognised training provider in Australia offering bespoke training in all areas of Health, Safety and Environment for clients in Mining & Quarrying, Facility Management, Government & Defence, Manufacturing & Industrial, Hospital & Healthcare, Oil & Gas and Building & Construction. Please see below a list of courses we have recently delivered.
For an individual assessment of your requirements and a free quote, please get in touch.

Tailored to your needs and delivered on-site, off-site, and online this training covers the OHS essentials for business owners and employees.

Developed to educate managers and supervisors on their obligations to provide a safe working environment for their employees.

Custom Workplace Safety Training Course for employees working remote or from home.

This course provides employees with the required knowledge to understand their legislative obligations surrounding asbestos management.

Building on the Asbestos Register Awareness training, this training delves further into the added asbestos awareness obligations specific to managers.

This course is an introduction to the legislative framework governing hazardous chemicals. It covers the identification of and risk management principles surrounding these substances.

This training will enable workers to identify workplace hazards, conduct risk assessments and suggest appropriate control measures.

We offer a variety of Occupational Hygiene Short Courses that focus on specific areas such as Noise, Vibration, Gasses & Vapours or Heat at Work.

All short courses are based on the OHTA approved material for our course “Basics principle of Occupational Hygiene (w201)”. This guarantees, your will get fit-for-purpose insights that are applicable to your work environment.

Request a Call Back

We are happy to provide you with an individual quote. Simply fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours.